On June 4th,2016, by the Byzantine study team, led by professor Xu Guling held in room 118 at the eighth session of Byzantine empire and the eastern Mediterranean research academic salon. Purchasing& cataloguing department of library in the wave of sichuan teachers,college teacher zhu jun Yi and nankai university doctoral Liu Yufang were invited to attend.Liu Lian in his master''s thesis "on the Crusades period the army of women", one for the crusaders from the tradition of men, the perspective of embedded combed the Crusades period women in source, motivation, and circumstances and other aspects of content,further deepening the crusaders research; Li Xinchang in his paper "on 4 to Constantinople athletics the transmutation of the 7th century, with competitive party as the breakthrough point, from the historical fact of the change in origin of competitive party itself and its functions, in perspective the transition characteristics of the classical period after the Byzantine society; Li qiang on the study of western ancient document study and codex emerging object "rewrite" from the history of etymology, found that finishing and interpretation method of transmutation three angles has carried on the detailed comb, affirmed the palimpsest interpretation for literatures and found that has a very high value, is the ancient - a new path of medieval literature research; Nankai university doctoral Liu Yufang coincides with its will, glad to share the three about the 11th century historians in the work described in purple clothes woman rhetoric and content of in common, based on analysis of the 11th century Byzantine historian and social attitude in purple clothes woman and evaluation. |